6 Bray Wood Road
Williamsburg, VA 23185
Ren Steyn
(757) 298 34 20
Axess AG is an international provider of innovative ticketing and access solutions focused on e-commerce and enhanced customer experience.
Business fields are focused on ski resorts and destinations, fair and convention centers, stadia and arenas, leisure and attractions and touristic transport.
Headquarters are in Anif/Salzburg (Austria) where the head departments of sales, marketing, finance and hard- and software development are located.
At the Axess factory in Innsbruck (Tyrol) all innovative hardware products as well as the Axess Smart Cards for the various business fields are produced.
More than 300 employees are working every day for customers in over 53 countries. Axess AG was founded 1998 and is operating with 20 worldwide subsidiaries.