Michael (Mick) has wide international expertise, having carried out executive roles in both diplomatic, international security and commercial settings, operating in all continents. As the founder of Critical Insights Consultancy - based in the UK, he is active working across the globe providing world class independent critical thinking and innovative business development services to his clients including the UN (UNICRI) delivering insight, guidance, and leadership for their ethical business transformation in the digital age. Mick is proud to be an IIFX Distinguished Fellow, having supported Dr Lou Marciani and his team for many years in the safety and security of major international sporting events. Having established Project Stadia during his service to Interpol as Director, he assisted in the safe delivery of countless international sporting events for FIFA and the IOC, which have led to the development of a rich interconnected knowledge and operational resource that seeks, like IIFX, to contribute to a safe and enjoyable experience for all our sporting fans. A specialist in threat / risk mitigation, big data, business intelligence and analysis, threat identification, crisis response and disaster recovery, Mick has wide ranging experience in tackling global / national security, organised crime, terror and cyber threats.