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ALSD's Member Portal Has Moved

Access Member Portal


Access to ALSD Member content -- including links to Discount Conference Passes, Member List, 2023 Salary Survey, Member Questions Archive, and more -- is available in the New Member Portal (portal.alsd.com).

Questions? Contact memberservices@alsd.com.


Here are a few things to note if you are having access issues.

Verify whether you are logged in.
Go to alsd.com/user. If you see your username, you are logged in. If not, you will be asked to log in.

Log in with your UserName
This is usually your "FirstName LastName" (not email).

Lost Password Reset
Use the "Reset your password" link and your email address to recieve a one-time log in. Create a new password under the "Edit" link once you log in.

If you still have trouble accessing or have other issues, please contact support@alsd.com for assistance.